Wyaralong Dam - Group 1


The Queensland State Rowing Centre (QSRC) is accessible with Rowing Queensland approval for training, time trials, seat racing, and regattas.

In order to use this facility please sign and return the QSRC Usage Agreement available here.

The faciltiy is by default a shared facility and all bookings will be deemed as shared unless both Group 1 & 2 are booked by the same user.  

Prior to your visit, Rowing Queensland will reach out to confirm scheduling and any supplementary needs. Following use, an invoice will be issued within 7 days, encompassing the course fee along with the facility fee per rower/coxswain and boat usage.

If you have any questions regading your booking please contact info@rowingqld.com.au.

Bookings cannot be accepted after Wed 15 Oct 2025.
Please select a start time no earlier than 06:00.
Please select an end time no later than 22:00.