Indoor Rowing!

Published Mon 21 Aug 2023

If you were inspired by the recent 24hr Row Louder Charity Challenge then we have more exciting news from Rowing Australia and Row Nation! We're thrilled to share that they're in the final stages of developing a cutting-edge rowing app designed to enhance indoor rowing experiences. With the app's launch just around the corner, they're eager to introduce a new business model that opens doors for clubs and individuals to contribute their expertise. This includes creating training programs and more, with the potential to generate income for clubs. For a more detailed look at these exciting opportunities, check out the attached information pack. Stay tuned for the app's debut, revolutionising the way we approach indoor rowing!

Have a question you'd like to ask Row Nation? Click here:

Interested in accesing demo days?  Click here:

If you would like to support our Row Louder charities post event?  Click here:
