Rowing Queensland's AGM

Published Wed 12 Jun 2024

Our Annual General Meeting was held on May 19th, chaired by Samara Quinlan.

Key discussions revolved around updating our Constitution to ensure it reflects modern practices and inclusivity. This involved removing outdated references to fax machines and adopting gender-neutral language but also clarifying definitions, which have raised questions among our members, for which the decision to seek further clarification before finalising any amendments was made. For more detail head to the ABOUT section on our website for the minutes of the Meeting.

Additionally, the meeting addressed the appointment of new directors with specialised expertise. Alongside our elected directors, individuals possessing distinct business acumen or technical skills will be appointed to enhance the Board's capabilities. 

Following the AGM a meeting of the RQ Board was held and we were pleased to announce the continuation of Samara Quinlan as Rowing Queensland Chair and Simon Daly as Vice Chair for another 12 months.  Furthermore, it was announced that Sally Kehoe was elected to fill one of the vacant Board positions.
In addition, we were very excited to formally announce the appointment of Mr Angus Blackwood, effective 1 July 2024. Angus has served as the Treasurer and Chair of the Brisbane Grammarians Rowing Club since 2016 as well as serving as the President of the Queensland Advisory Board for the Starlight Children’s Foundation of Australia. Angus is currently a Partner with Ernst and Young, and will join the RQ Board to support Rowing Queensland with financial management and governance over the next 12 months.

To conclude, a heartfelt appreciation is expressed to Chloe Schauble for her invaluable contributions to Rowing Queensland. 

Looking ahead, we anticipate further developments and endeavours as we continue to strengthen our community. Stay turned and involved in our socials, events as more news is coming your way.
