Water Safety on Queensland Waterways

Published Wed 12 Jun 2024

In the world of rowing, safety is paramount. As we navigate Queensland's stunning waterways, it's essential to understand how to stay safe and what to do in case of emergencies. Each and every one of us should be committed to ensuring the safety of all participants on the water.  

On the Rowing Queensland website, we've compiled vital information to help you navigate our waterways with confidence.

Where to Find Information: For comprehensive guidance on water safety, including what to do and how and when to report an incident, visit our dedicated page: Water and River Safety. Here, you'll find essential resources to share with your club or school participants, coaches and administrators.

Reporting Incidents: If you witness a rowing craft or associated vessel involved in an emergency, accident, incident, near miss, or breaching the Brisbane River Code of Conduct, please report it to Rowing Queensland as soon as possible. Utilise our online incident report form, accessible here.

Club and School Induction Process: From Safety Management System (SMS) to coaching accreditation and shed safety audits, there is information and guidance tailored to clubs, schools, rowers, and coaches. Our Safety & Operations Manager, Dave Alexander, is available to assist with SMS implementation and provide advice on best practices. Additionally, our Brisbane River Community Safety Forum has created collaboration among river users, while programs like coaching accreditation and CityCat Interaction offer valuable learning opportunities.

For assistance navigating safety information or to schedule a shed safety audit or BRO presentation, contact Dave: info@rowingqld.com.au 

We are all in the same boat so let's ensure safe and enjoyable rowing experiences for all on our waterways.
